电话:13652431120 QQ:383604481
深圳市伟思创商贸有限公司是SIMCOM芯讯通,龙尚,日海云平台与解决方案,CJT长江连接器代理商。代理销售SIMCOM、龙尚 5G,4G,3G,2G,无线通信模块及CJT长江连接器全线产品,致力于为物联网客户提供优质的产品跟服务。
The SIM8202X-M2 is the Multi-Band 5G NR/LTE-FDD/LTE-TDD/HSPA+ module which supports R15 5G NSA/SA up to 2.4Gbps data transfer.
It has strong extension capability with abundant interfaces including PCIe, USB3.1, GPIO etc. The module provides much flexibility and ease of integration for customer's applications.
The SIM8202X-M2 adopts M.2 form factor, TYPE 3042-S3-B. AT commands of SIM8202X-M2 are compatible with SIM7912G/SIM8200X-M2 series modules. This also minimizes the investments of customers and enables a short time-to-market.
It is designed for applications that need high throughput data communication in a variety of radio propagation conditions. Due to the unique combination of performance, security and flexibility, this module is ideally suited for many applications |